Our strategic business planning services help clients elevate their strategic value with customers and transform from incremental to exponential growth trajectories.


The Importance of Negotiation Consulting for Lawyers

As industries evolve, challenges arise — this goes for every industry, including the legal industry. 


Knowing how to successfully negotiate affects everyone in the legal industry, from negotiating small real estate deals to multi-billion dollar contracts, every lawyer needs the skills to succeed in negotiations. 


The Maker Group helps lawyers successfully adapt their strategies in a way that creates value, strengthens business relationships, and delivers favorable results for clients. 

The Maker Group: Negotiation Skills Training for Lawyers

As experienced, high-level commercial negotiators, we’ve serviced some of the largest companies in the world and we’ve seen just about every negotiation strategy. We understand the challenges lawyers face and can provide innovative solutions to your daily problems. 


Our mission is to deliver value and drive client satisfaction through our bespoke negotiation training solutions for those in the legal industry. Our proven, practical methodology and modern-day behavioral techniques can help your legal team reach its objectives. 


We’ll focus on current trends in your legal field and can help shape your negotiations by maximizing the planning process.


We help lawyers focus on areas, such as: 


  • Client alignment and collaboration
  • Data analytics 
  • Strategic prioritizing
  • Process and infrastructure
  • Planning and execution


We believe that everyone learns better by doing, which is why we’ve focused on offering experiential training across all industries. Our targeted, hands-on approach, helps lawyers through challenging exercises, detailed case studies, and training that embraces the ever-evolving legal industry.  


Participants learn how to think critically and make decisions outside of their comfort zone. We engage with each participant individually to create a personalized learning journey that allows them to learn from their mistakes. We drive lasting results by sharpening the skills of even the best negotiators on your legal team.


For more information or to register for negotiation skills training for lawyers, contact us today. 


At The Maker Group, our goal is to make good — great.

3 Ways The Maker Group Can Help Legal Negotiators Improve Their Negotiation Strategies

Through our proven strategies, and with the help of our proprietary tools, your negotiators in the legal industry will gain confidence in their negotiation abilities, and build and maintain partnerships, both internally and externally. 


For those in the legal industry, The Maker Group’s negotiation experts can help in the following ways: 

#1: Prepare for Uncertainty

In many cases, lawyers are unprepared to adapt to the negotiation challenges associated with their client’s industry. 


Effective negotiation training is required to prepare negotiators to respond to ultimatums or financial demands. 


Lawyers must rethink how they have partnered with companies previously and focus on how they can upgrade their negotiation capabilities to remain at the top of their field. 


Preparing for uncertainty is easy with the strategies and proprietary tools provided by The Maker Group. We set lawyers up for negotiation success from start to finish.

#2: Secure Maximum Value for Clients

For lawyers, relationships are critical to successful negotiations. Long-term business relationships are formed through collaborative efforts, but lawyers must understand the value proposition of every deal. 


The Maker Group can provide lawyers with the skills and knowledge required to execute multi-sided negotiations with a “win-win-win” outcome in mind.


By equipping your team with effective communication strategies, they’ll have the upper hand in any negotiation. From knowing how to actively listen, to effectively articulating their messages, lawyers will confidently negotiate any deal — while protecting their client’s bottom line. 

#3: Forging Contract Agreements

Lawyers have the opportunity to become problem-solvers for their clients. A negotiation only matters if all parties are mutually satisfied and agree to sign on the dotted line.


We teach lawyers how to focus on their client’s interests while uncovering and leveraging the hidden value for the opponents.


By crafting a negotiation that fosters a win-win outcome, lawyers are far more likely to forge binding contracts quickly and effectively.

FAQs About Negotiations Skills Training for Lawyers

The Maker Group offers a variety of training and consulting services. We base our training on your business-specific needs and goals. 


Whether you’re a new lawyer looking to cut your teeth in contract negotiations, or you have been around for decades, our “ground-up” approach to training will help you achieve your objectives.


The process starts with an introductory call with your firm’s partners and key stakeholders. From there, we’ll uncover the challenges you face in your legal field. 


From there, we’ll develop tailored training solutions that will alleviate your pain points and give your legal team the confidence they need to succeed in negotiations.


The issues faced in each legal field are unique, which is why it’s our goal to understand and help you overcome these challenges through our customized negotiation planning and execution strategies. 

The amount of time your firm dedicates to negotiation training is 100% up to you! We believe that the more time you dedicate to training, the quicker you’ll see your legal team improve.


All of The Maker Group’s training solutions are customized, meaning we can structure your workshop into a one or two-day training that can be done in-person or virtually, and on your schedule. 


Using our proprietary Maker Framework, we establish clear negotiation guidelines that will continue to help your lawyers evolve with changes in their field and become problem solvers and innovators for your clients.

We don’t offer “run-of-the-mill” training. Our proven methodology and modern-day understanding of behavioral psychology allow us to provide practical strategies that help lawyers overcome challenges in their field.


Every participant receives a unique, individualized learning journey that is specific to their strengths, weaknesses, and specific pain points. We’ll reignite your passion and remind you why you became a lawyer.


Your clients will benefit from the confidence your legal team will gain in our workshops. Lawyers become invaluable partners to their clients when they know how to execute successful negotiations.


Let us help. We’ll equip your legal team with the current tools and strategies to help build better client relationships and negotiate better contracts.


Click here for more information about our negotiation skills training for lawyers. 

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