Our strategic business planning services help clients elevate their strategic value with customers and transform from incremental to exponential growth trajectories.


Why Negotiation Training Is Essential for the Procurement Industry

For procurement negotiators, the process of purchasing goods or services has evolved.  


The pressure on those in the procurement industry continues to increase and new challenges arise daily. 


Refined and strategic negotiation skills enable industry professionals to properly prepare for negotiations with local and international sales representatives. 


The negotiation experts at The Maker Group: 


  • Enter into negotiations fully prepared
  • Enable procurement negotiators to effectively navigate the unpredictable nature of negotiations in the industry; and 
  • Show you how to take your negotiation skills from good to great.

The Maker Group: Procurement Negotiation Training

In the procurement industry, negotiators come face-to-face with challenges, such as:


  • Lack of transparency
  • Inaccurate data; and
  • Risk management


Not knowing how to overcome ambiguity and achieve what you need out of a negotiation can be detrimental to your overall success. 


Our team of expert negotiators can curate innovative strategies and solutions to help procurement negotiators overcome common industry challenges. We’ll provide you with the tools and skills you need to drive profitability while maintaining strategic relationships through our tailored negotiation training and consultations.


With the modern, practical, and proven methodology provided by The Maker Group, you’ll have the upper hand in every negotiation. 


You need The Maker Group on your side. We are experts at developing leaders and innovators in the procurement industry. We show negotiators how to focus on the following areas: 


  • Building impactful relationships
  • Reaching mutually beneficial compromises 
  • Assessing risks and benefits 
  • Providing clear specifications and requirements


Our experiential training dives deep into real-world scenarios, dynamics, and potential outcomes. With our hands-on approach, procurement negotiators learn how to overcome adversity in the industry by learning from the mistakes they’ve already made. Our training is built from the ground up and personalized to fit the needs of your company.


For more information or to register for our bespoke procurement negotiation training, contact us today.

How The Maker Group Training Can Help Procurement Negotiators Improve Their Negotiation Strategies

With decades of combined experience across all industries, we specialize in bringing contemporary negotiation strategies to the forefront of the procurement industry. Not only will we help improve your negotiation skills, we’ll work with you to maximize your success rate using our proven methodologies.


We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to negotiations. That’s why The Maker Group tailors every training to address the needs and challenges faced by our clients.


If you’re involved in procurement negotiations, our team can help in the following ways:

#1: Developing a Planning Infrastructure

Successful negotiation, especially in the procurement industry, requires intentional and thoughtful planning. Without a plan, negotiations become unpredictable and even volatile. 


The expert negotiators at The Maker Group will show you how to effectively communicate with suppliers through tactical prioritization and planning.


Our customized training provides the practical and technical tools and systems procurement negotiators need to execute favorable negotiations. 

#2: Enhancing Communication & Collaboration

Building strong relationships with suppliers and company representatives is essential to successful negotiations in the procurement industry. Effectively managing these relationships is necessary for building trust and longevity.


We’ve designed our negotiation training around clear communication strategies that help bridge cultural gaps and set the foundation for lasting global partnerships.

#3: Contract Negotiating in a Highly Competitive Industry

Negotiators in the procurement industry must become problem-solvers for those depending on their goods and services. In the procurement industry, great demand is met with even greater competition.


Our negotiation experts help procurement negotiators draw the connection between supply chain demand and inflation and how it affects procurement negotiators in this cutthroat industry. 


We’ll show you how to alter your communication methods and operating models to become a negotiation powerhouse with our customized procurement negotiation strategies.

FAQs About Negotiations In the Procurement Industry

Our training and consultation services are tailored to target the unique needs of the procurement industry.


No matter how large or small the contract is, our comprehensive training helps procurement negotiators reach new levels of success.


Whether you’re struggling with the macroeconomic conditions straining the industry, or supply chain continuity issues, our experts will show your negotiators how to overcome any issue with our 8-Step Maker Framework. 


We have a clear understanding of the challenges faced by procurement negotiators and can help you tackle any negotiation with customized planning and execution strategies.

Because our training solutions are fully tailored to your industry and challenges, we can offer the flexibility to fit training into your schedule.


Our training can be offered in-person or virtually, allowing you the flexibility to fit it into your busy schedule.


Our proprietary Maker Framework and Maker Connect negotiation software help negotiators establish a clear path to success, including negotiation planning and execution guidelines through every step of the process.

When you choose The Maker Group, you’re choosing to win.


We’ve based our process and methodology on a psychological understanding of behavior and proven techniques that stand the test of time.


Each trainee experiences a personalized learning journey that addresses individual strengths and weaknesses while implementing a failsafe negotiation process. When you elect The Maker Group as your partner in negotiation strategy, you’re giving your team the tools and confidence they need to thrive in the procurement industry.


Are you ready to equip your team with a success-driven mentality and the expertise required to maintain lasting relationships with suppliers? If so, then you’re ready for The Maker Group.


Contact us today. We make good, great.

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